
Bidisha to serialise novel

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Broadcaster and journalist announced yesterday (September 24) that she would be publishing her latest novel-length of new fiction online, over a period of six weeks starting today.

Esha Ex tells the story of orphan, Esha, who despite her background is determined to break away and make a life for herself. On her blog, Bidisha writes ‘Esha’s story is an uplifting drama full of tight fixes, last-minute escapes and sudden daring. The novel is set against a realistic backdrop of poverty and deprivation, combined with great ambition and opportunity. I hope the book shows that despite life’s challenges it’s still possible to strive, to resist, to have adventures and be a loveable and fearless troublemaker who always stands up for the underdog. In its restless pace and constant movement the plot echoes the vibrancy of the city itself, resisting clichés about poverty and destitution in favour of strong, positive, humorous characterisation. Although it explores and reflects different kinds of marginality and transgression, it is above all the personal story of Esha, the girl who’s determined to survive and to run with whatever life throws at her.’

Esha Ex is now offline.

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