The Husbands, written by Sharmila Chauhan and directed by Janet Steel Reviewed by Farhana Shaikh If this is what a feminist utopia looks like, then at first glance, it appears to be lots of fun. Welcome to Shaktipur, a remote village some 50 years in to the future, where women are prized for breeding, …
Sharmila Chauhan
Sharmila Chauhan talks about her new play, The Husbands, a thought provoking production, directed by Janet Steel
Silent Night by Sharmila Chauhan
Sunshine sparkled through the grey afternoon. I sat in on the bench, wrapped in my own obliqueness. I was lost. I looked up at the clouds, at the tiny tapering ends, almost invisible. Was it an infinite haze of vapour droplets? I mused, watching as the black birds circled the pale billows. Suddenly the sun …