Following the success of The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra Vaseem Khan’s second adventure sees retired Inspector Ashwin Chopra swept up in a maelstrom of trouble and danger in Mumbai. When the Koh-i-Noor diamond is stolen from an exhibition of the crown jewels only one man (and his elephant) can crack the case…
Here’s a preview of what fans can expect from The Perplexing Theft of the Jewel in the Crown:
For centuries the Koh-i-Noor diamond has set man against man and king against king.
Now part of the British Crown Jewels, the priceless gem is a prize that many have killed to possess.
So when the Crown Jewels go on display in Mumbai, security is everyone’s principal concern. And yet, on the very day Inspector Chopra visits the exhibition, the diamond is stolen from under his nose.
The heist was daring and seemingly impossible. The hunt is on for the culprits. But it soon becomes clear that only one man – and his elephant – can possibly crack this case…
Vaseem Khan first saw an elephant lumbering down the middle of the road in 1997 when he arrived in India to work as a management consultant. It was the most unusual thing he had ever encountered and served as the inspiration behind his series of crime novels.
He returned to the UK in 2006 and now works at University College London for the Department of Security and Crime Science where he is astonished on a daily basis by the way modern science is being employed to tackle crime. Elephants are third on his list of passions, first and second being great literature and cricket, not always in that order.